Aesthetic dentistry in Tampere

Aesthetic dental care perfects your beautiful smile. Start by booking a free consultation – it comes with no obligation!

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Aesthetic dental care typically involves dental procedures focused on improving the appearance of teeth, such as repairing and aligning the tooth row to make it whole and even, and enhancing the teeth’s appearance to be shiny and white. Aesthetic dental care can not only improve the appearance of your teeth but also correct functional issues, giving you a beautiful and healthy smile.

With aesthetic dental care, you can:

  • Correct misaligned and malformed teeth
  • Remove stains and whiten teeth
  • Fill gaps in the tooth row
hammashoito tampere

Aesthetic dental care is performed on healthy and clean teeth. Therefore, aesthetic dental care always begins with a dental examination, based on which we will create a treatment plan together with you. If the examination reveals issues such as tartar or cavities, these problems will be addressed before the aesthetic procedure.

Book a free consultation for aesthetic dental care, and we will plan the solution that best suits your needs.

“Highly personable professionals equipped with the latest technology!” – Customer Feedback

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Are you troubled by:

  • Damaged teeth
  • Persistent stains or discoloration
  • Incomplete tooth rows

Dental crowns and bridges can address these issues. They allow for the construction of a complete and flawless tooth row. A single, extensively damaged tooth can be repaired with an artificial crown attached to the prepared natural tooth. Bridges, on the other hand, can fill gaps in the tooth row by adding one or more artificial crowns. The teeth adjacent to the missing tooth are prepared, and the bridge is anchored onto them.

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Dental Veneers

Are you troubled by:

  • Uneven or misshapen teeth
  • Persistent stains or discoloration

Dental veneers can easily correct tooth deformities and discolorations. Veneers can close gaps between teeth, lengthen worn teeth, or reshape teeth. A dental veneer is bonded to the visible surface of the tooth, effectively masking enamel imperfections and stains.

Veneers can be made from composite resin or ceramic. Ceramic veneers offer a long-lasting – even lifetime – solution.

“Great service and pleasant staff. Miikka is an excellent professional!” (Feedback, 2023)

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Teeth Straightening

Are you troubled by:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded or widely spaced teeth
  • Bite Problems

Teeth straightening can correct crowded teeth, misalignments, and bite issues. In addition to improving aesthetics, teeth straightening often significantly enhances the health of the mouth, facial muscles, and joints.

At Helmiäinen, orthodontic treatments are primarily performed by specialist orthodontists. Treatments can be carried out with braces or the Invisalign method. Some of our general dentists, such as Riku Kukkola and Roope Karhu, also provide clear aligner treatments.

Invisalign uses clear aligners for teeth straightening. These aligners are less noticeable than traditional braces and can be removed, allowing you to eat and drink freely during treatment. Maintaining oral hygiene is also easier with clear aligners compared to traditional braces. However, in some cases, traditional braces may achieve a better outcome than clear aligners.

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Teeth Whitening and Soda Cleaning

Are you troubled by:

  • Yellow teeth
  • tooth discoloration

If the yellowing or discoloration of your teeth bothers you, teeth whitening or intensive cleaning can help. Soda cleaning is an intensive cleaning method that, while not actually whitening the teeth, makes them appear brighter and shinier by removing stains.

Laser teeth whitening is an effective yet safe method for whitening teeth. The whitening effect is immediately visible and continues to improve for a few days after the procedure. We also offer home whitening kits for your convenience.

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Want to Perfect Your Smile with Aesthetic Dental Care?

Our skilled team will work with you to design the perfect treatment plan to make your smile shine. We offer aesthetic dental care in the heart of Tampere, with easy access and convenient online booking. Contact us to learn more about our aesthetic dental treatments!

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Remember Home Care!

Diligent home care helps create and maintain a beautiful smile. Good home care prevents minor and major dental issues. Oral health is part of overall body health and well-being. In the worst cases, oral infections can spread to other parts of the body. Many common diseases can be prevented by taking good care of oral health.

Keep these tips in mind for a beautiful and healthy smile:

  • Brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day, preferably with an electric toothbrush.
  • Remember to brush all tooth surfaces gently.
  • Use dental floss or interdental brushes daily.
  • Ensure your toothpaste contains fluoride.
  • Enjoy xylitol gum or lozenges after meals.
  • Avoid snacking and drink water when thirsty.
  • Reduce the intake of sugary, acidic, and staining foods.
  • Visit for a dental check-up annually and have tartar removed regularly.

esteettinen hammashoito tampere

Aesthetic dental care in Tampere

Dental veneers

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Crowns and bridges

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