Apnea & Mandibular Advancement Splints

Sleep apnea or loud snoring can be treated with individual splints that are worn at night. The splints make the pharynx tissue and muscles tighten so that the airways stay open, the tongue stays in front and the soft pharynx tissue vibration decreases. This way the patients breathing pausements and snoring decreases.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a common disorder that causes various symptoms, such as daytime fatigue that doesn’t improve even with adequate sleep.

Sleep apnea is diagnosed through a sleep study. The diagnostic criterion is at least a 10-second pause in breathing. The number of breathing pauses in a patient with sleep apnea is as follows:

  • 5–15 pauses in mild sleep apnea
  • 16–30 pauses in moderate sleep apnea
  • More than 30 pauses in severe sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is classified into three types:

1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea:
Caused by the narrowing of the upper airways. Despite breathing efforts, air does not circulate due to obstructions, commonly when the tongue falls back into the throat, blocking the airway.

2. Central Sleep Apnea:
Caused by a disruption in the brain’s regulation of breathing. During a pause in breathing, there are no respiratory movements.

3. Mixed Sleep Apnea:
A combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea.

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How is sleep apnea treated?

Currently, sleep apnea is treated in three main ways:

  • CPAP device: Provides supplemental oxygen
  • Apnea mouth guard
  • Jaw Surgery: Involves repositioning the jaws

For mild to moderate sleep apnea, the primary recommended treatment is keeping the airways continuously open. This is achieved using apnea/snoring mouthpieces worn during the night.

We manufacture Somnomed sleep apnea mouthpieces. Somnomed is a custom-made oral appliance designed to fit the shape of your teeth, with trays for both the upper and lower jaws.

The patented fin design of the Somnomed mouthpiece gently holds the lower jaw in a forward position. By advancing the lower jaw during sleep, the space behind the tongue increases, keeping the airways open. Additionally, the mouthpiece prevents the soft tissues in the upper throat from vibrating, thereby reducing or eliminating loud snoring.

Somnomed can also be used to prevent disruptive snoring, even if you do not have sleep apnea.

Snoring mouthpiece

If you suspect sleep apnea, your first step should be to contact your doctor. Once you receive a diagnosis of mild to moderate sleep apnea from your doctor, you can book an appointment for the creation of custom apnea/snoring mouthpieces.

A snoring mouthpiece can help you—and those around you—sleep better, even if you do not have a diagnosed condition. If your snoring is bothersome to you or others, an easy-to-use snoring mouthpiece could provide relief.

Each snoring mouthpiece is custom-made by a dentist. The process involves taking a precise model of your teeth. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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