Dental Examination Tampere

Dental examination or basic oral examination is an appointment with which comprehensive dental care is begun or oral health is monitored in accordance with individual needs. During the examination, general health of the mouth and teeth, which is an important part of overall health, is determined. Dental inspection should be attended every 1-3 years.


A Dental Check-Up Can Prevent Many Unpleasant Issues

A dental check-up, also known as an oral health examination or basic oral examination, is an appointment to initiate comprehensive care or monitor oral health based on individual needs. It is recommended to have a dental check-up every 1–3 years to detect and treat potential issues early.

A dental check-up takes less than an hour of your time but can prevent many unpleasant, time-consuming, and costly problems. This check-up is also covered by Kela reimbursement, which you can receive every other year.

As of January 1, 2024, the Kela reimbursement for a check-up has increased from 15.50 euros to 30 euros, which you can receive every other year.

Our dentists in Tampere perform thorough and professional dental check-ups. To ensure the well-being of your teeth and prevent potential issues, book your dental check-up appointment today!

Dental check-up in Tampere

During a dental check-up, the dentist examines:

  • Teeth
  • Gums
  • Oral mucosa
  • Bite

A visual examination is often complemented with X-rays if necessary. The dentist ensures the functionality of your teeth by assessing your bite and, most importantly, by listening to your own experiences and sensations.

Problems can sometimes be hidden. For instance, chronic infections at the root tips inside the bone can be completely asymptomatic, requiring radiological imaging for accurate diagnosis.

A dental check-up can also reveal asymptomatic gum diseases. Even a fully edentulous mouth and dental prostheses should be regularly examined to prevent and rule out changes in the oral mucosa.

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Afraid of a Dental Check-Up?

Sometimes, just the thought of a dental check-up can cause anxiety. Fortunately, modern dentists understand this fear. Talking with your dentist, practicing relaxation techniques, and using various pain relief methods (such as local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia) can make the check-up experience as comfortable as possible for those who are anxious about dental care.

There’s no need to be ashamed of dental fear. It’s a completely normal feeling, and the dentists at Helmiäinen are trained to handle fearful patients with empathy and professionalism.

Dental examination

What Does a Dental Check-Up Include?

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Oral Mucosa, Tongue, and Floor of the Mouth

A dental check-up often begins with an examination of the oral mucosa, tongue, and floor of the mouth. By inspecting these areas, the dentist can identify any potential changes or abnormalities.


Each tooth is examined surface by surface using a specialized instrument. Healthy tooth surfaces are hard, while the instrument can catch on the surface of a decayed tooth. In addition to the tooth surfaces, the dentist also checks the condition of the margins of any fillings.

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Healthy gums in a healthy mouth! A dental check-up also includes an examination of the gums. The dentist checks the gum lines using a blunt, ball-ended instrument. This helps identify any deepened gum pockets, gum recessions, and other gum-related health issues.


The bite can be classified as either Angle Class I or Angle Class II. In a normal bite, the upper and lower teeth form symmetrical and even U-shaped dental arches. An optimal bite is free from missing teeth, crowding, or unfavorable tilting of the teeth. In this alignment, the upper front teeth slightly overlap the lower front teeth.

Jaw joints

A dental check-up also includes an examination of the jaw joints. When examining the jaw joints, the dentist observes how wide the patient can open their mouth, whether the mouth opens straight, and if the movements of opening and closing the mouth are symmetrical. This examination also reveals any potential pain, grinding, or clicking sounds.

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To confirm a caries diagnosis, a visual dental check-up may be supplemented with imaging studies. Bitewing X-rays, which focus on the side areas of the mouth, are typically taken every 1–3 years. A panoramic tomograph of the entire jaw provides a comprehensive view of the jaws, teeth, and jaw joints in a single image.

What does dental examination include?

Before the appointment, we will go over your initial information with you (such as general illnesses, medication) and estimate the effect on oral health.

If many medications are being used, it is recommended that the patient brings a list of the medication used with them. Dentists require comprehensive background information of their patients in order to carry out a thorough examination.

During the examination, the dentist examines your teeth as well as the condition of the surrounding periodontal tissue (the gums) and the oral mucosa. If necessary, X-rays will be taken to supplement the visual examination.

Attention is paid to the functionality of the teeth by observing factors related to the occlusion and particularly by listening to the patient. Problems may also be latent. For instance, chronic infections on the tip of the roots within the bone can be completely symptomless and X-rays are needed in order to discover them. Gum diseases are often only discovered during an examination carried out by a dentist.

Even if the patient does not have teeth and uses dentures, it is important to have them checked regularly to rule out changes in oral mucous membranes.

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Why is regular dental examination important?

Chronic infections of the mouth are risk factors and predispose cardiovascular diseases, for instance. They can also be underlying factors for a stroke. Oral infections also worsen the stability of many chronic diseases such as rheumatism and diabetes.

Regular examinations are necessary also because there are always changes in the mouth that should be monitored such as early-phase caries. It is also worth it to have already carried out treatments checked to ensure the given treatment was successful.

By timing active treatment correctly, better treatment outcomes are achieved, and costs are kept lower. Your own dentist knows your mouth; he/she knows how to make a long-term treatment plan for you. This way the burden of the treatment and the costs can be spread out and completed within a longer time frame.

Your individual treatment needs and an evaluation of the costs are determined based on the examination. By discussing the matters with you, we can create a treatment plan that is best suitable for your individual needs.

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Save Time, Effort, and Money

The best treatment results are achieved by scheduling active care at the right time, keeping costs reasonable. Your personal dentist knows your oral health well and can create a long-term treatment plan tailored for you. This approach allows the burden and costs of treatment to be spread over a longer period.

Based on the check-up, your dentist can develop an individualized treatment plan for you. After the dental check-up, you will also receive a cost estimate for any potential procedures. Welcome to your dental check-up!


Schedule Your Dental Appointment!

Marianna Jaakkola

Marianna Jaakkola

Dentist, prosthodontics and occlusion physiology resident
Sanna Hämäläinen

Sanna Hämäläinen

Dental hygienist

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