A Dental Check-Up Can Prevent Many Unpleasant Issues
A dental check-up, also known as an oral health examination or basic oral examination, is an appointment to initiate comprehensive care or monitor oral health based on individual needs. It is recommended to have a dental check-up every 1–3 years to detect and treat potential issues early.
A dental check-up takes less than an hour of your time but can prevent many unpleasant, time-consuming, and costly problems. This check-up is also covered by Kela reimbursement, which you can receive every other year.
As of January 1, 2024, the Kela reimbursement for a check-up has increased from 15.50 euros to 30 euros, which you can receive every other year.
Our dentists in Tampere perform thorough and professional dental check-ups. To ensure the well-being of your teeth and prevent potential issues, book your dental check-up appointment today!